NEET 2022 Answer Key released

NEET UG 2022-Answer Key released

NEET – UG 2022 – Provisional Answer Key released

              National Testing Agency, NTA has released Provisional Answer Key , Scanned Images of OMR Answer sheet and Recorded Responses on 31st August 2022.As uploading data of 18 lakhs candidates time is needed. So, it will be available by evening . Students can see the Provisional  Answer Key , OMR Answer Sheet and Recorded Responses on the official website


                              Along with the answer key, candidate’s response sheet will also be available on the website. Students can raise the complaint against any answer key which they think to be incorrect. After seeing the complaint against and its solution, NTA will release the final answer key.

 Objection on NEET UG-2022 answer key and OMR grading-

               Student can see  the answer key on NTA official website . They can match their answers with released answer key of NTA and calculate  their marks. If they think that his/her answer is correct and the answer key given by NTA is wrong, they can file objection for that  answer key.NTA  also released scanned copy of  OMR answer sheet of the students. Result will be given at least after one week of answer key release date. NTA has given the date of result announcement as 7th of September 2022 .

 Fee and Date for Answer Key and Recorded Response  Challenge-

                                               Candidates have to pay Rs 200/- per question for raising objection against the provisional answer key and they can also submit representation against the OMR grading . For this also they have to pay Rs 200/- per question objection. Answer Key Challenge and Recorded Response Challenge is proposed to start on 31st of August 2022 . Rs 200/- fee for each question  for Answer Key Challenged and Recorded Response Challenged is non-refundable . Candidate can also visit another official website for more details .


All the students will get the scanned image of the OMR Answer Sheet on their registered e-mail address which they have given at the time of submission of the Online Application Form of NEET UG-2022 .

                   Answer key is very important for the students as they can calculate their number of correct answers and they can calculate their probable score.

           How to download Provisional Answer Key of NEET UG 2022:-

At first student has to open the official website of NTA  which is or .After  that students have to click on the button NEET answer key 2022 and they have to put Application number, password etc to login and submit necessary details. After submitting the details they can see the answer key .

            Re exam of NEET UG 2022 on six centers on 4th September 2022 –   

                                              Due to irregularities in the exam, NTA has decided to conduct re exam on 6 centres of the country. All the students of these centres have to face re exam on 4th of September. Among these six center one is kollam ( Kerela ), 2 centres of Rajasthan, 2 centers of Madhya Pradesh and one centre of Uttar Pradesh.


         50% seats of Private Medical College on Government fee in NEET 2022-

                             Big reason for delay of answer key and result of NEET UG 2022 is announcement of  50% Private Medical College seats and Deemed universities to be given at the fee equal to  Government College Fee.This will be one of the big reasons for increase of almost 23000 seats in NEET 2022. Previously lower or middle income group could not afford private medical college fee ,so they had only option of Government Medical Colleges.Due to the new guideline, Private Medical College and deemed Universities will be forced to give their 50% seats on the fee equal to government colleges. This will open new avenue to the students. Some of the Private Medical colleges and deemed universities have best infrastructure, good faculties, good OPD, good level of education etc.

                           Now students who could not get seat in Government Medical College or who could not get admission in Government College of their choice can take admission in Private Medical College at the Government fee. So lot of students will move towards Private Medical College and due to this cut off marks of NEET UG 2022 will fall down.


      NEET UG 2022 -Result is late as the case is pending in court-

                      According to recent news Private Medical College Association filed a case in  Madras High Court on the issue of allotment of 50%  Private Medical seats at the fee equal to Government Medical college fee. Private Medical College Association is saying that if they give their 50% seats on the fee equal to  Government fee, they have to increase the fee of rest of the seats to 70-80 Lakhs . They have given the reason in court that they will be unable to give good medical education if they give 50% of the college seat on government fee. The association is saying that running medical college is very expensive and they can’t compromise with quality of education . Madras High Court adjourned it’s decision and now it will hear the government and association point of view and then it will give decision. So result of NEET UG-2022 is  delayed as matter is in court now.Result can be seen on NEET Official Website after declaration of result. NTA has announced the release of result date as 7th of September 2022 .


       Bonus Marks in NEET UG-2022 exam-

Some the question of NEET – UG (2022) are not having the exact answer, i.e no option shows the correct result.Students could not come to the exact answer of these questions and their answer could not match with any given options.One question of Physics and one question of Biology of section ‘A’ has no correct option .In section ‘B’ one Chemistry question has all the wrong options .NTA released update  about bonus marks. It says for section ‘A’ wrong questions all the students will get bonus +4 marks irrespective of the fact that they have attempted it or not. For section ‘B’ wrong question only those students will get bonus marks who have attempted this question.

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