cut off marks of NEET UG 2022

Cut off marks of NEET UG 2022

Cut off marks of NEET UG 2022 and it’s reasons-

                    580 ± 5 will be cut off General candidates in     NEET UG – 2022.

      Some of the reasons explained, why this prediction of cut off for NEET      UG – 2022 is made.

            Very rational Reasons are given below:-

                         Huge number of candidates appeared in NEET UG – 2021 and seats  were  few, still some seats remained vacant in 2021. This was a big injustice to the students.


Supreme Court instruction about counseling process for NEET UG 2022-

                                         Supreme Court showed concern about problematic counceling process for NEET ,so it gave instruction to cope up this problem. For this Supreme Court gave instruction to change the process of counseling for NEET UG -2022 and for upcoming  NEET Exams. Based on the instruction given by Supreme Court, NTA released one notification about change in counseling process.


                             At first counseling for All India quota is conducted as first round, then state first round counseling is conducted, then 2nd round of All India Quota  counseling is done, then 2nd round of state counseling is done and so on until all the seats are filled.

                        Till now rule was that if you have participated in 2nd round of counseling of All India and locked the seat, then you could not leave seat in any condition. Now added rule is that, if you occupied seat in state 2nd round counseling, then further  you can not participate in counseling of All India or state further.

 Out of counseling process once locked seat in state 2nd round-

                              It means previously you were out of counseling process after occupying seat in All India Quota counseling of 2nd round. Now you will be out of counseling process after occupying seats in 2nd round of state counseling also.

                                 Previously students used to participate in 2nd round of counseling of state and locked the seat and then also participate in mop up round of All India Quota counseling and locked the seat there also. It means one student used to occupy seat at 2 places.This created a big confusion in counseling process and due to this some seats remained vacant in 2021.

                        Now as no student will be able to lock the seat at more than one place, more  number of students will be able to participate in counseling process. So cut off marks of NEET UG 2022 will fall down this year.


50% seats of Private Medical College on Government fee in NEET 2022

                             Another big reason for fall of cut off marks of NEET UG 2022 is announcement of  50% Private Medical College seats and Deemed universities to be given on the fee equal to Government College Fee.This will be one of the big reasons for increase of almost 23000 seats in NEET 2022. Previously students wanted the Government Medical College only as fee of Private Medical colleges and deemed Universities was very high. So, It was very difficult for the students to pay fee of Private Medical College.Due to the new guideline, Private Medical College and deemed Universities will be forced to give their 50% seats on the fee equal to government colleges. This will open new avenue to the students. Some of the Private Medical college and deemed universities have best infrastructure, good faculties, good OPD, good level of education etc.

                          Previously students who could not get seat in Government Medical colleges wanted to study here, but due to high fees they could not do so. Now students who could not get seat in Government Medical College or who could not get admission in Government College of their choice can take admission in Private Medical College at the Government fee. So lot of students will move towards Private Medical College and due to this cut off marks of NEET UG 2022 will fall down.

Cut off marks of 2022 will be low due to paper level-

                         This year question paper level was different. Physics paper was easy or moderate, chemistry paper was moderate (Physical chemistry was easy or moderate, but inorganic and organic chemistry was lengthy) and Biology paper was a twist given by NTA this year. Biology paper this year was somewhat tough but very lengthy. Previous years students used to solve Biology paper in almost 60 minutes, this year it took almost 85-90 minutes to solve Biology paper, as paper was lengthy.

Good number of Assertion Reason questions were there this year and all the assertion reason question were very lengthy. Some of the questions this year were not having straight answer or no correct answer. Now it depends on NTA that if they give bonus marks for those questions or give particular answer for those questions.

                            In 2021 NEET Exam lot of students scored 340-350 marks in Biology but in NEET 2022 exam students of that level will be able to score 315-325 marks.


So straight way this will effect cut off marks of NEET-2022 and it will effect cut off marks by 25-30 marks. 

         Seat matrix of  NEET UG 2021

1st 2nd Mop up Stray  Special stray 
GEN 612 603 599 598 595
OBC 610 602 599 598 595
EWS 608 601 598 598 595
SC 507 490 484 480 473
ST 480 475 462 459 452


Last Rank in special stray round in 2021

GEN 21227
OBC 21188
EWS 21238
SC 109310
ST 130823


Prediction of  cut off marks of NEET – UG -2022

Marks Rank
GEN 580 ± 5 23000
OBC 580 ± 5 23500
EWS 580 ± 5 23250
SC 450 ± 5 120000
ST 410 ± 5 145000


Above prediction is based on the reasons for less cut off marks due to the specified reasons.


Loss of seats for General quota candidates due to reservation policy-

                          One thing is shocking to see the admission seat matrix of 2021 MBBS ALL India Quota seats for general candidates. For ALL India Quota seats number of seats for general candidates was 2565 but when we see the admission list of general candidate of All India Quota admitted candidates given by MCC. It’s surprising that on 1877 seats only, general quota candidates could take admission. The reason was 504 OBC candidates, 178 EWS, 4 SC and 2 ST candidates had marks more than the general candidates. So on 688 less seats general candidates could take admission. This was due to the demerit of reservation policy.

                         It specific reservations of OBC, EWS, SC, ST candidates are there, then why seats of General quota  candidates are allotted to reserved quota candidate. So if we see the list only 40% seats are remaining for General quota candidate. Government should see this issue seriously.No one is against reservation policy ,only concern is that all the category candidates should get equal justice.

NEET UG 2022 -Result will be late as the case is pending in court-

                      According to recent news Private Medical College Association moved Madras High Court on the issue of allotment of 50%  Private Medical seats on the rate of Government college fee. Private Medical College Association is saying that if they give their 50% seats on Government fee, they have to increase the fee of rest of the seats to 70-80 Lakhs . They have given the reason that huge expense is there in giving medical education to students. Madras High Court adjourned it’s decision and now it will see the matter on 16th of August 2022. So result of NEET UG-2022 will be delayed as matter is in court now.Result can be seen on NEET Official Website after declaration of result.

13 thoughts on “Cut off marks of NEET UG 2022”

  1. Main St category ki Chhatra hun mere marks ki ke Aadhar per sambhavit 550 a rahe hain kya mujhe Delhi ka koi college mil sakta hai

  2. What A Report…Kudos To The Entire Team Of Writers, Editors And Others Who Were Involved In This Report…

    Best Wishes For Your Future Editorials

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