New Education Policy-PM SHRI

14,500 schools under new National Education Policy- PM SHRI

  Under new National Education Policy- PM SHRI , Central government is focusing on introducing new learning method for the children ,so that our new generation will not only be educated but also they will have conceptual understanding and they will be able to apply their knowledge to real life situation.Government is focusing on overall development of children and for this children will also be introduced to art and crafts.For this Government is introducing new Education Policy named as PM SHRI.

14,500 schools under new National Education Policy- PM SHRI

Union cabinet approved a new scheme sponsored by center , under which steps will be taken to upgrade 14500 schools across India to upgraded National Education Policy (NEP) 2020.


This scheme will be called PM SHRI (PM School for Rising India). Under this scheme 14500 schools of states and Union Territories will be upgraded to NEP- 2020. These schools will be as NEP labs where development of children will be prime motto. For this Government is going to invest Rs 27360 crore over next 5 years.Central Government’s share in this investment will be Rs 18128 crore and state government’s share will be Rs 9232 crore  .

PM SHRI-New National Education Policy
PM SHRI-New National Education Policy

                Features of upgraded schools –

Upgraded schools under new education policy -PM SHRI  will have better  infrastructure, equipped with labs, libraries, smart classrooms, art labs, greenery , water conservation, waste management and organic friendly. These schools will not only mentor their own students but also offer mentorship to other schools nearly.

These schools will develop initial literacy and initial numeracy and will be linked to higher institutions. Here the students will be given training of art and crafts with the help of local artisans.

Under new National Education Policy -PM SHRI- Four stage curricular structure-

Under NEP school students education will be categorized in four stages:-

  1. Foundation year for Pre-school, grade I and grade II: – It will have learning connected to playing  . Children will not be given any pressure of bookish learning. They will only learn while playing.
  2. Preparatory level for grade III to V: – Students will be introduced to few basic books and initial classroom teaching. They will be introduced to basic understanding of literacy and numeracy .
  3. Middle level for class VI to VII: – In middle level ,students will start learning with fundamental books and classroom learning. In this level students will start learning art and craft will the help of artisans.
  4. Secondary level for class IX to XII: – This level will  have all the disciplines of learning.                                                                                            2 times a year Exam. and 2 standard of Maths.-                                                               Under new education policy-PM SHRI , Board exam will be held 2 times a year so that students can improve their score by appearing 2nd time in Board Exam if they are  not satisfied by their first exam score. Mathematics will be of 2 types- Standard and Higher level. Those students who don’t want to pursue their studies in Mathematics field will opt for standard Mathematics and others will opt for higher level mathematics.                                                                                          PM SHRI scheme is centrally sponsored :-                                    Under  this  scheme cost of education will be born by center and state/UTs in the ratio 60:40 . For North East states, HP, Uttarakhand, JK and UTs without legislatures it will be 90:10 . Kendriya Vidyalayas (KVS) ,Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas (JNVs) are under central ministry of Education. So obviously school will be developed according to NEP labs by central government. So PM SHRI Schools will be upgrade of schools run by centre , States, UTs and local bodies.
PM School for Rising India
PM School for Rising India

           Parameters for upgradation

At first states/UTs will have to decide if they are interested in PM SHRI scheme and       want their schools to be upgraded to NEP labs.

State/UT which is ready for PM SHRI schools will identify the school which they want to be upgraded. After the identification and intimation to school, the school will apply for it online. Online application will be available 4 times a year.


School which is applying under new education policy -PM SHRI should meet almost 60 parameters to be eligible for upgrade. Basic parameters are electricity , toilets etc. After this , teams of state government officials, KVs and JNVs will inspect the school physically and decide if the school which applied is actually meet the eligibility criteria. This inspection is necessary as maximum 2 schools (One Elementary and one secondary/senior secondary) would be selected per block or urban local body  in the PM SHRI scheme first phase. After this team approved any school, finally expert committee will approve the school.

Main focus of opening these schools under new education policy -PM SHRI  is actual and smart learning at every stage. Assessment of students at every level will be based on the criteria that students have actually understand the concept and whether they can apply their knowledge in every walk of life. It means they have become competent enough by actually learning the concepts.

So, if new NEP -PM SHRI is introduced in 14500 schools in first phase successfully and it’s  positive results are seen on overall development of children , then more schools will be upgraded under this scheme.








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