neet ug minimum marks in board criteria

NMC guideline for NEET regarding minimum marks in board and minimum age

  NEET UG – minimum marks and minimum age criteria :        

               NEET exam is conducted for admission to MBBS, BDS, Ayush, BSc nursing and other medical courses.

  Aspirants who are going to appear for NEET UG should know the new minimum marks  in board exam and minimum age criteria.

         Students should be happy to hear about the new criteria regarding marks in board exam and minimum age to appear in NEET UG exam.

        No Minimum marks in Board exam for NEET UG :

   National medical commission (NMC) gave a new gift to NEET UG candidates. Now 12th board exam marks will not be a hindrance for NEET UG aspirants . Now students will be allowed to sit in NEET Exam even if he/she gets only passing marks in 12th board exam. It means candidates of all categories have to secure only passing marks to appear in NEET UG exam .Previously  General candidates had to secure 50% marks, OBC/SC/ST and PWD candidates had to secure 40% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology together in 12th board exam to be eligible for NEET exam.

                 Minimum age criteria relaxed for NEET UG aspirants :

Rules for minimum age criteria is now modified . Now one month relaxation is given to the candidates. Previously age was considered calculating from December 31 , but now the age will be considered from next 31 January.

               It means previously candidates must have completed 17 years as on December 31 of the year of his/her registration but now candidates should complete 17 years as of 31 January of the next  year of his/her registration.

    New Age criteria for NEET 2024:

Category   Date of Birth for Minimum age criteria
Candidates belonging to unreserved category  (UR) ,SC/ST/OBC category appearing in NEET 2024 Born on or before                                                    January 31,2008


       NEET Eligibility criteria – Upper age limit :-

             There is no upper age limit  criteria for NEET aspirants. Now upper age criteria  removed by NMC on March 2022. So candidates of any age who has completed 17 years on 31 January can apply for NEET examination.

    NEET Eligibility criteria- Maximum number of attempts and subject:-

There is no restrictions of the maximum attempts for NEET exam. Candidates can appear in NEET exam any number of times they want.

         No NEET PG – NEXT test will be criteria for PG admission:-

                         National medical commission (NMC) has taken decision to introduce NEXT (National Exit Test) for admission in PG course. Student of MBBD/BDS will appear in this exam in their 5th years of study and they will not have to appear any of other exams to take admission in PG. Once the student pass NEXT exam, they will also be eligible to do medical practice.

        Strict guideline for Medical Colleges:-

               If any of the medical college give admission to any to the students on any basis other than counselling, they will have to pay 1 crore fine or full course fee as fine, whichever is more. If college repeats same thing, fine will be double and seats double of the number of students taken by any means other than councelling , will be taken from college. I any student has taken the admission by any other means , his admission will be cancelled  .

              On the basis of 7 parameters NMC will give rating to every medical college. This rating of medical college will be given by medical assessment and Rating Board and will be public. This rating will help the students to select medical college for admission. Before this students were selecting the medical college on the basis of their marks and NIRF ranking ( National Institute Ranking Framework ) .

                        Every medical college have to follow the rules of under graduate medical board and Post Graduate Medical Board to get better ranking . These medical boards have made rules for educational activities and course commencement. Better rank will also be given to those medical colleges who adopt innovative way of education.

       Maximum time to complete MBBS course : 

             Every MBBS students have to complete their course within 9 years from date of admission. They have to clear their first year in four attempts.

Common Counselling for admission in Medical Colleges :

                                    According to Graduate Medical Education Regulation 2023 or GMER 2023 common counselling will be their for the admission in medical colleges.

        Counseling will be based on the seats allotted by NMC. Common counselling can be in different stages according to the need. Under Graduate Medical Education Board (UGMEB) will give direction for common counseling and responsible authority will conduct the counseling according to the given direction.

            NEET UG result is out now. you can go on NTA official website and check your result .

                  For Bihar students ,all the information about Bihar Medical Colleges , cut off marks for admission in government medical colleges and mop up round marks and rank is mentioned at NEET 2023 Bihar News . You can find all the news regarding Bihar Medical information.


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