centralized counselling for NEET

Centralized Counselling for NEET UG 2023


  Centralized / common counselling for NEET UG -Facts

When single platform is used for students and colleges for all the admission process  like online registration to seat allotment, it is called common or centralized counselling.

    Most of the students are confused about centralized counselling that weather central agency will conduct counselling for AIQ seats as well as state quota seats .

                Students should know that central agency will do the counselling only for 15% of All India Quota seats in state run colleges, Central Institutions and deemed universities.UGMEB shall give the guideline for common counselling and according to the given guideline , designated authority appointed by Government of India will conduct the common counselling .

Centralized Counselling points published in gazette –

           National Medical Commission proposal for Centralized counselling for NEET UG has now been published in the Gazette of India .These Regulations may be called “ Graduate Medical Education Regulation ,2023 “ or “ GMER “ . It is mentioned in Gazette that these Regulations shall come into force from the date of their publication in the official Gazette .

       It is mentioned that it shall be the duty of all concerned medical institutions / Deemed to be Universities to be partner with the National Medical Commission for Centralized Counselling .

           It is stated in proposal that Common Counselling for admission to graduate course in medicine for all Medical Institutions in India based on merit list of UG. Seat matrix given by NMC will be the basis of  counselling. There can be multiple round for counselling .

               Previously NMC had prepared a draft for this and sent it to all the state health secretaries and VCs to know their opinion about the system ,to find the technical aspects of implementation of this system and to know the different reservation categories of different states, as different states have different rules of reservation.

    NMC clarification for state’s infringement of rights –

 Main confusion was that , weather this regulation was against the National Medical Commission Act, 2019 which give the right to states to conduct counselling for state quota seats.  Some states like Tamil Nadu said that center was infringing the rights of state to fill the seats of state run colleges. But NMC said that there  was not any intension of infringing the rights of state or to disturb the quotas for allocation of undergraduate medical seats. Only purpose of centralized medical system was to make a strong system, so that no medical seat remains vacant and there would not be any delay in admission process.

         Why Centralized Counselling is needed-

                 At present almost 20 lakhs of students appear in exam. and they have to go through 5 rounds of counseling- All India Round 1 and 2, state round 1 and 2 and 5th round i.e mop up round for vacant seats. This counselling process takes almost 5 months.

Every year after the result of NEET UG more tough work seems to be the tiresome process of counselling for almost 1 lakh medical seats. To save the time and energy of students seeking medical admission and to save them from the confusing process of counselling , single centralized counselling process was very much needed. So this step of NMC has big welcome which will give a big relief to students.

                 NMC says that candidates will have to go through very few rounds according to the need of counselling in centralized counseling ,which will save their time, energy and money.

             In this system , students will come to know within no time that they  are getting the seat or not . So they will not waste their time in the confusion and expecting seat till the mop up round .Due to this system they can start early  for next year preparation.

                   Right now there is lack of transparency in admission system, due to which agents, so called admission agencies and brokers takes benefit of the lack of transparency and confusion in admission process. This new system will remove all these agents and agencies from the admission process.

                    The NMC gazette said that all the medical colleges will be bound by the regulation and they will not give admission to any student in contravention of these regulations. In case of any violation, the institution will be liable to be fined Rs 1 crore or the entire course fee. In case of regular violation institution will be barred from taking any admission.

                          NMC will have to consider all the problems which can occur after implementation of common counselling. NMC has to see that there should not be wastage of any medical seat due to multiple seat blocking by single student and all the students get all options of seats. For this a full proof software will be needed.

 It will come in force for NEET 2023 ?

                      It is clear by now that certralized counselling will come in force as it is now published in Gazette but main question is wheather it will be applicable for NEET 2023 or not .  Some points are there which indicates that there is very less chance of implementation of centralized counselling for NEET UG 2023 .

         Reason behind this are :

  1. Very strong software system will be needed as it has to join centralized system of counselling to all the state counselling system .It’s a very tedious and time taking process and for 2023 counselling ,time is not there for this software .
  2. Previously NMC passed a decision that 50% seats of private medical college will be filled at government fee , but still it’s not implemented .This year some states like Bihar has said that it’s going to implement it this year . so, it takes lot of time to implement any rule even after it’s passed by a body .
  3. Every state is following different reservation policy . So to merge all these reservation policies at one place , lot of time and research is needed.

                     Lot of other points are there . So, conclusion of the article is that , for NEET 2023 , very less chance is there to implement centralized counselling system .

                       Detailed information about the proposal for Centralized Counselling for NEET is  published in The Gazette of India on 2nd June 2023. You can see it on NMC official website .

                       NMC new guideline has come about minimum marks criteria in Board for NEET UG . It has also gave some relaxation in minimum age for NEET UG .

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