Advantage and Disadvantage of Online Learning

Advantage and Disadvantage of online learning

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Advantage of online learning

  1. The flexibility of place and time

    you can learn anything online sitting in a remote village or small town or any other place. To learn anything you don’t have to go anywhere else. These days students are learning different courses which were not possible without going to metropolitan cities or even foreign countries. Students have now a day’s flexibility of time  also . If any student wants to enroll in a day class or in night class , he/she can do so . Whichever time is convenient for the student, he/she can choose that .

  2. Money, time, and energy saving 

    – previously students have to move to big cities or educational cities to learn something or to do some special course. In addition to the course fees, students had to pay food and lodging costs in big cities which was a huge amount. They had to give so much of time in traveling and lot of energy was also spent in that traveling. Nowadays students can sit at their homes and do that course online. This saves their money , traveling time  as well as energy . 

  3. Freedom to select more than one course

    – Due to online training students can choose more than one course at a time. For example, if any student is doing some course online in the day time he/she can do another professional course like computer course or skill development course in night time as due to online classes he is going to save money, time and energy. So during the regular course, he will also be an expert in the professional courses due to online classes.

  4. Special attention to every student

    – In online classes every student is equal and paid equal attention, no matter he/she is from which place and from which background. Every student is a frontbencher.  He/she is free to ask anything even if he/she is shy of coming in front of the teacher or other students. He can ask anything in written form also.

  5. Self discipline due to freedom

    – In online education students have to be self-disciplined as no one is there to say him/her how he/she should learn. So students have to be punctual, attentive and focused by themselves . He /she is free to learn more or less as he himself is responsible for the quality and quantity of learning.

  6. File sharing, books access,conducting exams becomes easy, convenient, and fast

    – In online learning students can share different files with other students, teachers, etc very easily. Nowadays students refer to many books as e-books are available nowadays either free or at a very low cost. Due to online education examinations conducting and checking answer sheets and giving results have become very easy.

  7. Government awareness campaigns on Social and Welfare issues can be done easily-Government awareness campaigns on the issues like overpopulation, bad effects of Child Marriage can be made available to the public very easily using digital media. Previously Government had to use huge manpower and huge resources to convey the government programs and policies. Now it can be done easily. For example, the Government has introduced the Child Marriage (Amendment )Bill-2021 and planning to bring Population Law. If the Government wants to make the  mass  aware of these issues before the bill or law, they can do it very easily. Nowadays most of the people use mobile phones and the internet. They can be made aware using digital media.Before all these things people should be made aware of  Cyber Security.

Disadvantage of online Learning

  1. Online education is not affordable to all – country like India has most of the people from economically poor background. If any poor family has two or three children, they will require 2 or 3 smartphones or laptops to attend the school at a time. They will require good internet speed to attend the live lectures. So the majority of the students of Government schools in India cannot afford smartphones and internet connections as they are from poor families.

  2. Online learning is not accessible to computer illiterates

    – Computer education in India is still in a developing stage. Most of the people from villages don’t know how to operate computers or smartphones. If they want to learn something online they have to learn how to operate computers, smartphones , internet , etc. Online learning is literally impossible for adult education in village India. At first people of village India have to be capable of handling computers and smartphones.

  3. Social development

    Schools are not only necessary for learning but also for social development. In-school , students learn to socialize, co-operate, team spirit, etc. They learn social responsibilities, by seeing other good students and teachers by interacting with them. But in online education students cannot physically interact and learn from other students and teachers.

  4. Health concerns

    – For online learning students have to sit continuously in front of computers and smartphones. Their physical activities become less due to long sitting in front of a computer or smartphone. They are prone to health issues. Students involved in online learning regularly complain about body pain, back pain, headache, eye pain, etc. due to continuous sitting and seeing computers and smartphones.

  5. Technical issues

    – Online education is possible with the help of electronic gadgets. These gadgets are prone to technical problems .For online learning computer or smartphones should to continuously working, the internet connection should be good, the electricity condition should be good etc. You can not trust electronic gadgets that it will work properly always. If any technical issues occurred , your online education will be hampered. If your smartphone or computer failure occurred , it will require time to fix it , till then your online education will be hampered.

  6. Isolation issues

    – In online education students gets isolated from other students and other people . They have to sit isolated for hours for online learning. They can’t interact with other students and teachers and learn in a light atmosphere of enjoying and learning. They are gradually prone to depression and frustration.

  7. Focus issues

    – In online education students can not focus continuously. Regular advertisement of products, games, news are popping up on the screen, which is lucrative enough to distract students’ focus from online learning. Continuously seeing on-screen gradually gets boring as students don’t have any other thing to do.Lectures, assignments, tests  reduces students focus as they become bored due to online screen time.

  8. Gives more freedom and more independence

    – Students get isolated to get online education. No one is there to see them or guide them for what to do or what not to do. They feel free and independent while learning online. It is not easy for every student to handle this freedom and independence. Most of them get distracted and lose focus due to this freedom and independence .Few of them start playing games or start seeing something else online while doing online classes.

  9. Cheating issues

    – In online learning cheating is easier. In tests, students can cheat using other mobile phones or by keeping a book with them or by asking other people the answers. students can take help in tests, assignments and class tests from others. They can cheat teachers as teachers are focused on teaching and they can not pay attention to every student’s activity.

  10. Not every course is possible

    – Many courses are there which need practical training. They cannot be taught theoretically only. MBBS, Engineering, ITI’s are some of the courses which cannot be taught without practical training. So it is not possible to teach students those courses online .



3 thoughts on “Advantage and Disadvantage of online learning”

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