jee advanced 2023 seats increased

2675 seats increased in JEE Advanced 2023


           IIT Guwahati has announced JEE advanced result and joint counselling started on 19/06/2023 for admission. This year good news is that Seats increased in JEE Advanced 2023 .

  Seats increased in JEE Advanced 2023 :     

     This year IIT seats increased by 787, IIIT seats increased by 620 and GFTI (Government Funded Technical Institutes) by 1308.

It means in 2023 number of seats increased is 2675. This year counselling will be done for 57152 seats of 23 IITs , 26 IIITs, 32 NITs and 33 GFTIs.

                   2023  seat matrix in comparison to 2022 :

Seats in 2023 Seats in 2022
23 IIT 17385  16598 
26 IIIT 7746 7126
32 NIT  23954     23994
33 GFTI    8067   6759
Total 57152 54477


            Dates of online registration,choice filling and seat allotment in JoSAA Counselling :     

             For IIT, NIT and IIIT JoSAA counselling has started on 19 June and it will end on 31st July at 5 PM. It will be conducted in 6 stages.

                                Up to 28th June, Online registration and choice filling can be done. First mock seat allotment will be done on 25th June.

Seat allotment dates:- 

1st Round 30th June
2nd Round  06th July
3rd Round 12th July 
4th Round 16th July  
5th Round 21st July
  6th Round  26th July
Final   28th July


JEE Advanced 2023- Subject wise and aggregate cut off :

                     Minimum marks criteria in every subject is given by concerned body every year.

This year for JEE advanced 2023 out of 120 marks in each subject , minimum marks to be secured is 8 marks to qualify. Minimum marks to be secured is 7 marks for OBC/EWS and for SC/ST/PH it is 4 marks. Previous year it was 5 for general candidate which was lowest in 10 years.

                   IIT Advanced result is based on 120 marks each papers of Physics, Chemistry and mathematics . Students have to clear minimum marks criteria in each subject which is 8 marks for general candidates this years.In 2020 and 2021 it was 6 marks .

   For the common rank list (CRL ) , a candidate have to score at least 6.83 % of total marks in each subject i.e 6.83% of 120 marks of each subject and 23.89% in aggregate ( 23.89% of 360 marks ) .

For OBC-NCL rank list it’s 6.15% of each subject and 21.50% in aggregate .

For GEN-EWS rank list it’s 6.15% of each subject and 21.50 in aggregate .

For S/ST rank list it’s 3.42% of each subject and 11.95% in aggregate .

The official website for JEE Advanced result is .

    This year 180372 students appeared for paper 1 and paper 2 of JEE Advanced . .

Seats increased in JEE Advanced 2023- Zone wise performance :

              If we talk about the zone wise performance of qualified candidates , IIT Hyderabad zone gave most number of result . 10432 candidates of IIT Hyderabad zone qualified the exam . 9290 candidates of IIT Delhi zone ,7957 candidates of IIT Bombay zone , 4618 candidates of IIT Kharagpur zone ,4582 candidates of IIT Kanpur zone , 4499 candidates of IIT Roorkee zone and 2395 candidates of iit Guwahati zone qualified the exam .

            Out of top 10 candidates , 6 are from IIT Hyderabad zone , 2 are from IIT Delhi zone and 2 are from IIT Roorkee zone .

         6 candidates who scored 100 percentile in JEE Main 2023 became toppers in JEE Advanced 2023 . Vavilala Chidvilas Reddy from Telangana secured no. 1 rank in JEE advanced 2023 .

     Option of branch upgradation closed in 3 IITs and 12 NITs :

This year 3 IITs and 12 NITs have stopped branch upgradation facility for students on the basis of first year performance . There 3 IITs are IIT Hyderabad , IIT Mumbai and IIT Jammu and 12 NITs are Jaipur,Raurkela,Kalicut,Delhi , Trichi, Warangal,Suratkal,Kurukshetra,Warangal,Surat, Pondicheri and Nagaland. Previously students were taking admission in lower branches if they were not getting core branches of their choice . They were thinking that they will switch to the branch of their choice ,if they perform well in first year exam .

Open House for Information about IIT Admission :

                  For detailed information about registration in different IITs and to clear the doubts, different IITs are organizing open home in hybrid mode.

           Many IITs have uploaded their link on JoSAA website: / open-house for students to join open house programme. The questions and doubts will be taken in this open house for 2023-24 session. All the questions about B.Tech and B.Sc programme registration, information about branch etc. will be answered.

You can get latest news about NEET UG 2023 like Minimum Marks in 12th board exam criteria and minimum age criteria has changed for NEET 2023 , new NMC guideline has come for Common Counselling etc .

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